Thursday, October 24, 2013


Good afternoon darlings! I hope you are all doing just FANTASTICALLY (I think that's a word) and I certainly hope you aren't sick. Like me. And my whole apartment. As I was talking about in yesterday's post, I've been afflicted with this unknown illness for quite some time now (have no fear, I am going to the doctor tomorrow!) and have spent several consecutive days in bed. While I will admit that at times I really do want nothing more than to be asleep in bed, this can get a little bit... exhausting. As ironic as that is. If you're anything like me- orrr if you're just a human being who has ever been sick, you should be able to relate.

This brings me to the topic of something besides myself: My roommates. Guys, I have been through some roommates. And all of them have been absolutely wonderful (for the most part) but I think it is safe to claim that my roommates here and now are the best I could ever ask for. Really.

They are angels. And I count myself feeling extremely lucky to have them in my life. One of the first things my Bishop ever said to me when I first moved into this ward was in reference to my roommates: "You must have done something right in the preexistence to have gotten those girls as roommates. They will protect you like a pack of wolves."

At the time, this didn't make a whole lot of sense to me, I mean they WERE amazing and I did feel extremely blessed to have them in my life but none of them resembled wolves in any sense of the word. The first person I think of as a protective sister is my best friend back home, Emily. Whom I love and miss dearly and if you are reading this YOU'D BETTER CALL ME! But after living with Jessica, Mariah, and Staci for just over a month those words have sunk into a very vivid and real meaning. These girls are amazing.Not only are they spiritually and emotionally uplifting, they are everything I would hope a sister would be.

I used to wish that I had a sister, but since hormones entered my life I have counted myself considerably lucky to have been the only girl. I love my brothers to death and I have five amazing sisters-in-law PLUS the best Mother anyone could ever ask for but there is something about living with these girls that just makes me feel whole in a way that I never did before.

I have always been partial to the company of males. They are less dramatic (usually) and have a calming effect (hopefully) that I find myself greatly in need of. But these girls come in a close second. From serenading strangers in the parking lot, to sharing clothes, to having roommate scriptures and prayers, these girls could not have come into my life at a better time. They are wonderful examples to me and not only do they put up with my craziness... they join in!

My point of this post is not only to thank my roommates, but to thank every girl in my life who has ever made me feel like I had a sister. As much as I don't like to admit it, sometimes I just need the company of understanding females. And the ones that have been put in my life for the last 20 years are the cream of the crop. My best friend and I had a joke that God made us best friends because no Mother could have handled us as sisters. Well, I feel that way about just about every wonderful female friend I have ever had. So thank you so much! And have a wonderful day!!!

p.s. Don't worry boys, your post is coming soon enough. ;)

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