Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Shocking Realizations

Hello again! So this is something that has been weighing on my mind and I haven't wanted to post anything on facebook for fear that it will come off as an invitation (you'll understand what I mean in just a second.)

But let me tell you about an experience I had yesterday.

And the shocking realization that hit me in the midst of it.

Soooo... I've been sick for about the last week. I had some cold/flu from heck and had been confined to my bed for several days. Yesterday I woke up around 4pm (I was pretty darn sick..) with this undeniable craving for See's Candy. Now, when I say it was an undeniable craving I mean there is NO WAY for me to turn it off or turn it down. So I rolled out of bed in all of my oversized volleyball shirt, highwater leggings, and greasy haired glory and headed to University Mall.

Let me tell you a little bit about University Mall. Not only is it the only location of a See's Candy that I know of in all of Utah, it is THE ultimate couples getaway. And yesterday must have been "Bring a date, get EVERTHING for free" day because that place was swarming with googly eyed, hand holding, ring shopping zombies.

And it also must have been " If you're a SUPER ATTRACTIVE SINGLE MALE, COME TO THE MALL" day. Need I say more?

So here I am.
The literal definition of raggamuffin (really, if you looked it up on google you would probably find a picture of me yesterday. But don't do it. Google is sketch.) Walking toward See's Candy with a purpose, still mostly asleep, and completely unaware of how awful I looked. I made it to See's, bought WAY too much chocolate and headed back toward my car on the other end of the mall. (That mall is worse than a corn maze. That's probably why so many couples go there! Corn mazes are expensive..) I digress. So I was walking back out toward my car, stuffing my face with chocolate, in my brothers extra large volleyball shirt, SURROUNDED by couples and as I stopped to admire the engagement rings in the windows, I came to the shockingly vivid and abrupt realization of how very extremely single I am.

I am single. I haven't had a boyfriend for over TWO YEARS. And no, I haven't been on a mission. And here I was, looking at engagement rings. I also in this moment came to the realization of what I must look like to all of those couples and attractive single men, and people who worked in the jewelry stores that I was dirtying up with my mere snotty presence. And I didn't like it.

I'm happy! I really am. And it's not that I haven't had opportunities to be in relationships or even to be married... it just hasn't ever been the right one or the right time. And honestly, that's okay! It can just get a little bit lonely sometimes. BUT, for the sake of maintaining some hint of positivity, allow me to say this: I will take waiting over settling any day of the week. And I have full faith that I will find my Prince someday! So... on the off chance that someone in a similar position to me is reading this, KEEP YOUR CHIN UP, BUTTERCUP! Love will find us someday!!! And if it means anything at all... I think you're lovely. Until next time!

Anna Marie

1 comment:

  1. "I will take waiting over settling any day of the week." = Pure Awesome. Totally motivating Anna!
