Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Pursuit of Life, Love, and Chocolate

Hello! If you are reading this I am going to assume you are either related to me or stalking me (or both) but I will welcome you either way! My name is Anna Marie Petrich and I am a 20 something year old girl from a small town in Central California. I'm the youngest of seven children AND the only girl. I owe just about everything I am to my family. From my wonderful extended family all the way down to my 15 (and counting) perfect nieces and nephews, my family is my life. I live for them and for My Savior, Jesus Christ. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS, Mormon, whatever you fancy) and will occasionally write about my faith. But THIS, this is the simple version of how I ended up right here, right now.

 When I was growing up, I had this dream... My dream was to become a Costco sample lady. I used to wake up every morning and watch Martha Stewart. My mom made me aprons and I was always creating concoctions for my brothers to "sample." Then, one day, I decided I wanted to be a cosmetologist instead. I'm not 100% sure what exactly caused this switch but just like that my mind was made up and NOBODY was going to change it.

I was always pretty popular. I had friends- a lot of them- and was always very involved  in everything from Student Body programs to every extracurricular activity I could fit into my schedule. I was the lead of several plays, the Student Body President, and participated in everything from church leadership programs, to choir, to attempting to play every sport known to man (and failing miserably). I was in high demand for babysitting. Kids loved me, parents loved me, I loved me, and I loved life.

Until High School.

For some reason, the summer between eighth grade and my freshman year, (in which I receieved braces and a pixie cut)- all of my friends decided to turn stupid. High school was a whirlwind of drama- loosing friends, trying to gain new ones, and striving to maintain some sort of grasp on reality. Amidst all of this my health began to fail. Physically, emotionally, and mentally. And with that, I began to fail. I ended up transfering to a charter school where I was able to do all of my academic work at home and had the option to take extra classes on campus. Drama of course followed me, but so did wonderful friends, opportinities, jobs, and eventually through the help of modern medicine, good health.

A week before I was supposed to walk for my High School Graduation, I packed up my life and moved to Provo, Utah in pursuit of my goal to become a cosmetologist.

I sort of had a plan.... Go to school, get married, make babies. You know, the usual. But as fate would have it, life had a different plan for me.

 I ended up getting really sick and dropping out of cosmetology school. I moved back home and went from job to job, never feeling 100% stable in anything.  And ten one blessed day I finally! After over a year of heartfelt prayers, received the undeniable answer that I was supposed to move back to Provo and finish what I started. I will admit that I was slightly hesitant at first but then literally everything fell into place and here I am! This.... is my story.

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