Thursday, January 16, 2014


Well, well, well,  it has been AWHILE! Sorry my dear readers, for I have been- for lack of a better word- busy. The last two months have been a whirlwind of excitement, change, and sheer and complete  happiness! I dropped out of cosmetology school yet again (don't worry, I'm going back soon!), moved to St George, got a job and..... drumroll.... GOT ENGAGED!!!

I would like to just assume that if you know me well enough to care enough to read this, you already know the whole story but I really haven't told it (busy, ya know) so here it is! Simplified:

Tyler and I started dating abouut 3 months ago. While that may seem like a very short time to some of you, those of you that know me know how strong willed, determined, and PICKY I am. I won't go into the mushy gushy details but I can honestly say that the very first time I met Tyler, I wanted to marry him. Now now... That may not be the most unusual thing coming from me but this time it actually worked. Because guess what! He wanted to marry me too! :) Also, I would like to confess at this point in time (since the title of this post IS Confessions) that while I may have said several times "I want to marry that boy that I've never spoken a single word to!" every single time I ended up actually talking to those boys, I realized that they were as dull as a brick and changed my mind pretty darn quick.

This was different! The more I talked to Tyler, the more real that wish became. To sum things up, I have known that I wanted to marry him for quite some time now, and I must have done something right in my life because he wanted the same thing!

So... a few weeks ago (before he popped the question) we were discussing this, and I was blubberingly telling him that I just wanted to marry him. He had me CONVINCED that he didn't have a ring and suggested that we wait a few months so he could save up to buy one. This just happened to be the day he called my Dad to ask his permission to marry me... not to mention he had bought the ring the very day we picked it out weeks before (sneaky man!)

And so two days later, the day after not only New Years eve, New Years Day, and our anniversary, he suggested we get some hot chocolate and walk around the temple. I didn't think anything of it, that's something we do at least once a week. He then suggested we take a picture in front of the temple and since every other time we had ever gone I was in sweats and one of his giant sweatshirts (just like that day) I finally gave in. We went over to take a picture and he got down on one knee, pulled out the most beautiful ring I had EVER seen, and asked me to be his wife!!

I did say yes, I did cry (but only a little) and I was completely in shock. But the happiest best kind of shock there is. SOOOOO that's the story. Now onto the real confession. The whole real reason I wrote this post.... is because...

Yesterday I ate half a can of chocolate frosting.
 I don't even like frosting...
But it was the only thing chocolate I could find in my apartment, so of course I ate it. With a spoon, straight out of the can... I am ashamed. I am determined to be better. But mostly I'm just happy that somebody loves me even though I am a chocomaniac. :) Until next time!

xoxo- Anna


  1. Congratulations Anna!! This is so exciting!

    Oh, and since you confessed about eating chocolate frosting out of the can, I'll confess to eating Nutella out of the jar. With a spoon. Not the whole thing mind you. Just a spoonful now and then. Okay. Now that that's off my chest, we can get back to your exciting news. Congrats again to you and Tyler!

  2. I have done that SO many times! I had to swear off of nutella... I actually haven't had any for about a year! Nutella with pretzels or strawberries.... mmm so good.. And thank you so much! Also, thank you for reading my blog. It means very much to know that you care. :)
